We are all living through challenging and unprecedented times. As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak and adjust our business practices to the circumstances, our customers, vendors, team members, and members of our community remain our highest priority. While some of our office locations may be physically closed, rest assured that ECS Telecom Services remains fully open for business and committed to providing you with continued service and being responsive to your needs.
To Support the Needs of Our Customers and Vendors:
 Office Based Services
 For the protection of our employees and in the face of numerous “work from home” orders, we have ordered our offices closed through April 10, 2020 (which may be extended depending on the circumstances of each office).
 Notwithstanding the office closures, we have enabled our entire office based workforce to work remotely and continue to serve your business needs.
 Our full suite of network operations, accounting, finance, legal, IT and human resource functions are available to work with our customers and vendors.
 You can continue to contact our employees via the phone numbers and email addresses that you have customarily contacted them at.
 Field Based Services
 As an “essential service provider” under applicable law, our field operations personnel are authorized to travel to and access all ECS or other provider’s telecommunications facilities during any federal, state, provincial, territorial, tribal and local mandated curfews and travel restrictions. This will allow us to operate, maintain and restore critical communications infrastructure during this national emergency and ensures that your needs can be addressed.
 Our personnel have been given Access Letters explaining those travel and access rights provided by ECS and the Department of Homeland Security in the United States, and similar letters have been provided to our personnel in our international markets.
 As is the case with our office based personnel, you can continue to contact our field based employees via the phone numbers and email addresses that you have customarily contacted them at.
 Tower and Rooftop Sites
 Our tower sites remain fully accessible to our customers and vendors on a 24/7 basis in accordance with our normal policies and procedures.
 Our rooftop sites also remain accessible in accordance with our normal policies and procedures. While some building owners are understandably hesitant to grant access to their buildings, we are doing everything within our power to provide access to all rooftop sites.
 All of our site maintenance personnel are working to ensure our sites are maintained and repaired in accordance with our normal policies and procedures notwithstanding any curfews or travel restrictions.
 If your personnel are having problems accessing sites due to curfews or travel restrictions, please contact us and we will do everything we can within the law to assist you in accessing and traveling to our sites using our “essential service provider” status.
 We will provide you with any assistance we can to obtain any permits or approvals you need to install your equipment on our sites.
 Contact Information
 If you need to contact us, you can reach us 24/7 through our Headquarters:
 (888) 230-3065
To Support the Needs of Our Team Members:
 We have provided equipment and training to enable our entire office based workforce to work from home.
 We have secured and sanitized our offices to protect the safety and well-being of essential team members who must work from the office to do their jobs.
 We have provided personal protective equipment and other safety items to enable our field-based personnel to continue to service our customer needs safely and effectively and provide them with daily updates regarding government mandated curfews and travel restrictions.
 We are holding team member forums globally to provide team members with the health and safety, benefits, management, and IT information needed to remain healthy and do their jobs effectively.
 We are communicating with our team members daily to include wellness, benefits updates and training tips.
To Support the Needs of our Communities:
 We have contributed to the American Red Cross whose local volunteers are at work in our communities providing care and comfort where there is the most need.
 We have contributed to the COVID-19 response funds of our local communities where we have our headquarters and satellite offices that will strategically deploy resources to community-based organizations in those areas disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.
 We will be making additional contributions, and are evaluating the U.S. and international locations and organizations to which those contributions will be made.
Rest assured that through these challenging circumstances, we will always make our decisions with the well-being of our customers, vendors, team members and community of paramount importance.

Highest Regards,

Edward Skoog
ECS Telecom Services

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